Activity Level Indicator (A.L.I.)
Creative Golf Marketing has developed a revolutionary, predictive membership retention tool designed to assist in identifying critical engagement and activity trends, which allow clubs to implement retention action plans to help retain ‘at-risk’ members before they resign.
Stop resignations now. The importance of improving membership retention is top of mind for club leadership at all private clubs. It is one of the single biggest challenges clubs face, but the concept of membership retention tends to be more of a “talking point issue” rather than an “action plan issue.” To make a material impact on the percentage of members resigning, club leadership must make membership retention a priority and understand that each member is unique and are distinctive in relationship to the other members of the same club.
Identify members before they resign. The reason private clubs continue to struggle with membership retention is that they have allowed the concept of membership retention to be completely reactive; as something they simply could not control.
The most effective strategy to retain members is through the use of predictive statistical analysis. Predictive statistical analysis can identify subtle positive and negative trends and allows you to foresee what will happen before it happens! PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS
Reactive analysis suggests that resignations are the whole and not a sum of the parts. This allows club leadership to readily accept the excuse of, “We don’t use the club enough.” This way of measurement doesn’t identify core reasons.
Don’t only follow the money. The use of statistical analysis will allow club leadership the ability to make action plans with precise strategies toward minimizing annual attrition, thus enhancing retention and saving each dues line on the books.
There are a number of activities at your club that do not require spending. Simply running a ‘spending report’ does not give you the ability to see subtle changes and trends in your members’ activity. Our reports provide more than the very simple facts of who is spending and who is not. SPENDING IS NOT TRENDING
It is critical to understand the enormous financial impact and benefit to the club budget that occurs when a private club has the necessary tools to mitigate or lessen attrition through more proactive efforts and predictive strategies. VALUE OF LOWER ATTRITION
“The Activity Level Indicator and Membership Trends reports opened my eyes! To know each month how much our member’s engagement has gone up and down is truly a tool that should be in every Manager’s inbox.”
Marcus King, PGA, CCM, CEE General Manager Overlake Golf & Country Club
Activity Level Indicator (ALI)
Discover the secret to member retention. There is a strong and undeniable connection between engagement and value. It’s personal for each member. What is valuable to one member, may matter very little to another. And that’s the secret...
Understanding that member’s lives are unique and include many different activities; Each member, including you, allocates a different amount of time to different activities each day, each week and each month. The analysis and tracking of a member’s usage and activity levels should not be compared to other members, but as a comparative score against themselves. EACH MEMBER IS UNIQUE
All members are at-risk at all times. Some are more at-risk than others. Over time, members will become distracted and their activity can decrease. These subtle negative trends go unnoticed until it’s too late and puts a member at risk of resignation. Clubs need to analyze each member based on their own activity levels to identify their baseline and pinpoint differences in trends. ‘AT-RISK’ VS. ‘NON AT-RISK’
Attrition a problem? The loss of even a few members can cripple a club. This can make it necessary for you to decrease operating expenses, defer maintenance or cut back on staff, which can also lead to substantial dues increases (also known as the ‘downward spiral’). The Negative Trending report is the first thing to check when it comes to ‘at risk’ members. This report highlights the members who may be questioning their time, engagement and value of a membership at your club.
Understanding member activity levels and the importance of each single engagement at the club, is core to membership retention. Each month, management will receive a suite of reports identifying the most ‘at risk’ members, as well as others who we feel the club needs to reach out and engage with, in one way or another. FILLING IN THE GAPS Smarter data. • Highlight Increases in Activity • Track Membership Trends • Member ALI Analysis and Scoring • Identify Decreases in Activity • Establish Member Baseline • Evaluate Past Activity Levels
Our ALI is your ally. Utilizing advanced predictive analysis and proprietary Activity Level Indicators (ALI), we have developed a pro-active tool designed to assist in identifying critical engagement and activity trends, allowing you to implement retention plans to retain ‘at-risk’ members before they resign. We developed ALI to be the first reports any Marketing Professional utilize each month. We do all the work to track activity indicators, highlight ‘at risk’ members and send our findings directly to your inbox. VISUALIZE YOUR DATA
• Deliver ‘Action-Based’ Results
Activity Level Indicator (ALI)
Negative Trending Reports The Negative Trending report identifies the true ‘at-risk’ members who are not using the club as much. With our membership retention software, we can help identify members who are “trending away from the club” so your staff can positively influence their activity.
Activity Level Indicators Using our specific algorithm, we will assign each member an ALI score ranging from 0 to 100 depending on their activity throughout all aspects of the club; not based solely off of spending. This information is the ‘Mother Lode’ as it pertains to the beginning of predictive analysis to illuminate membership activity levels. Once the baseline ALI has been established, we consistently monitor and track your members.
Encourage Positive Trends The Positive Trending reports allow some of the highest users of the club, and those who have begun to trend positively, to be recognized and thanked for their positive relationship with the club. These are your most connected members, the best ambassadors for your club, and the most willing to spend more money.
Activity Level Indicator (ALI)
Welcome to the club. We all know that the time and effort to bring in a new member is significantly more than the time and effort to retain a current one. The faster a new member integrates into the club, the quicker they will blend into your club family and feel that the club is their home. The New Member and Full Member reports help track and highlight your member’s activity and behavior right from the start.
New Member Reports New Members, are without question, the most vulnerable members of any club. Consequently, it is imperative to make sure that all new members are assimilating into the club properly and their engagement is monitored. New members appear on this report for the first 24 months of membership.
Full Member Reports This Activity Level Indicator (ALI) report provides information about the activity and engagement levels of the whole membership all in one view. Each member’s ALI score will rise or fall depending upon their own activity, and highlights a quantifiable account of membership usage trends.
Activity Level Indicator (ALI)
It’s time to know when to act. Now you can focus on the right member, at the right time, rather than attempting to re-engage them at a later date; or even worse, during the exit interview only a few months later.
Successful member retention plans are an ongoing initiative and take effort to deliver constant value to your members based on activity levels, engagement and other events provided. CREATING RETENTION PLANS Make sure that all communications, rewards, offers, and emails you send are relevant and personalized for each member.
Communicating the results and those key activity trends with club leadership, depart- ments, committees and staff members is essential. By sharing the predictive analyses, you will have created a team effort and specific actions to increase the number of positive trends. RETENTION IS A TEAM SPORT
Predict the future. With ALIs predictive trend analysis, monthly calculations and up-to-date reporting, we’re here to help out and provide you with the most accurate information about your members and identify those members whose activity levels are trending in one direction or the other.
Let us help. ALI was designed to utilize up-to-date activity levels and engagement trends to identify the most likely set of ‘at-risk’ members and contribute to the goal of reducing your attrition rate every month. Clubs can now better concentrate on actually creating action plans and executing those strategies with the specific ‘at-risk’ member versus spending hours and hours each week sifting through pages and attempting to find the answer we can provide automatically. WE’LL SAVE YOU TIME
We work smart for you. Your data tells a story that others may miss. We read between the lines to determine what matters most and connect the dots to bring everything in sync to maximize your retention.
• Positive Trending ALIs • Negative Trending ALIs ADVANCED SET OF REPORTS
From the beginning, we will work with club leadership to understand their new reports; how to interpret the results; and what each report highlights. ALI ORIENTATION Let our team of analysts assist with answering questions, account setup and training. ALI ONBOARDING
• New Member Monitoring • Member List of ALI Scores
$500 One-Time Setup $285 per Month
Activity Level Indicator (ALI)
“The ALI reports are an absolute must for Membership Professionals. The insights and information gained will allow clubs to be more proactive in their membership retention strategies.”
Donna Coyne, Co-Founder Professional Club Marketing Association
Start today. If you would like to begin your own membership predictive analysis, please call us at 800-526-8794 or by email at
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