Activity Level Indicator (A.L.I.)
Stop resignations now. The importance of improving membership retention is top of mind for club leadership at all private clubs. It is one of the single biggest challenges clubs face, but the concept of membership retention tends to be more of a “talking point issue” rather than an “action plan issue.” To make a material impact on the percentage of members resigning, club leadership must make membership retention a priority and understand that each member is unique and are distinctive in relationship to the other members of the same club.
Identify members before they resign. The reason private clubs continue to struggle with membership retention is that they have allowed the concept of membership retention to be completely reactive; as something they simply could not control.
The most effective strategy to retain members is through the use of predictive statistical analysis. Predictive statistical analysis can identify subtle positive and negative trends and allows you to foresee what will happen before it happens! PREDICTIVE ANALYSIS
Reactive analysis suggests that resignations are the whole and not a sum of the parts. This allows club leadership to readily accept the excuse of, “We don’t use the club enough.” This way of measurement doesn’t identify core reasons.
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