Experience Oakwood Country Club

Full privileges to the Club’s facilities, including the swimming pool, pickleball courts, fitness center, hiking trails, fishing pond, clubhouse with multiple dining options and sports bar, all social activities and special events throughout the year. Golf and related facilities are not available. CLUBHOUSE ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP MONTHLY DUES AND FEES: $330 INITIATION FEE: $10,000

Non-resident members cannot have any residence, primary or secondary (owned, rented or leased), within 100 miles of Oakwood Country Club. Limited to fifteen (15) rounds of Golf per calendar year (no locker). NATIONAL MEMBERSHIP MONTHLY DUES AND FEES: $235 INITIATION FEE: $10,000

Open to daughters, sons and grandchildren of current Regular Golf Members who have been Members in good standing for a minimum of two (2) years. Upon joining, Heritage Members will assume the dues and fee structure of their respective membership category. HERITAGE MEMBERSHIPS INITIATION FEE: 20% off applicable off applicable membership classification. MONTHLY DUES AND FEES: Applicable to membership classification.

If you have any questions, please contact Steven Shrawder, General Manager, can be reached at (816) 761-5501 or via email at Steven@OakwoodCountryClub.org. LEARN MORE ABOUT OAKWOOD


• All candidates will be vetted through the normal application process. • The Executive Committee in its sole discretion retains the ability to amend, extend or rescind the terms and number of memberships offered under this program. • Each membership category above has access and privileges in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Club, and as stated herein. • Annual Range Fee includes club storage, handicap and range usage. • Annual Par Three Fee includes access to the Par Three golf course. • Qualification for membership shall be based upon age of oldest spouse. • Staged payments available on Golf Memberships. • Initiation fees, monthly dues, food and beverage minimums, applicable fees and terms may be modified by Club management at anytime. • Initiation fee and monthly dues and fees are subject to applicable Missouri sales tax.

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