Experience The University Club of Orlando

Congratulations! You have been personally recommended for membership in The University Club of Orlando. The most successful private clubs are those built around the foundation of enduring relationships and social camaraderie between friends and associates. With that in mind, we are embarking on a campaign in which we are asking our current members to assist us in identifying those individuals whom they feel will properly embrace the culture and tradition of our club and personally invite them to join. By receiving this personal invitation, you are invited to participate in the “ Our Club. Our Future. ” Preview Membership Initiative, giving you the opportunity to preview the club and experience one of the most revered private social clubs in the area. The preview opportunity allows you to join the club without the payment of an upfront initiation fee, with the obligation of committing to a preview membership relationship for 12 consecutive months (applicable dues, fees and charges will apply). During your preview term, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a preferred initiation fee if you purchase your membership on or before April 30, 2023. Additionally, by choosing to secure your membership by April 30th, you will enjoy monthly credits for as much as $60 per month for 24 months! We have enclosed all the documents you will need to become a member of The University Club of Orlando within this exclusive invitation packet. If you would like to accept this invitation, please complete and return the Application for Membership and Preview Membership Agreement to the club office. Should you have any questions regarding this opportunity, or if you would like to set up a private tour of our club facilities, please contact the Membership Office at (407) 425-2514 ext. 103 or membership@ucluborlando.com and they will be happy to assist you. We look forward to extending a warm welcome upon your visit to The University Club of Orlando!


Board of Directors The University Club of Orlando

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