Experience Royal Oaks Country Club

Welcome To the Club As a way to welcome your friends into the Club, all new Members will have the opportunity to enjoy spending credits which may be used on goods and services at the Club. To enjoy these spending credits the new member must make their first initiation fee installment payment to the Club on or before the 90 th day of their Preview Relationship Term. Credits to New Members (Credits will begin upon the payment of the initiation fee by the new Member

If the new Member purchases their membership on or before the final day of their 90-day Preview Relationship Term as a:

The new Member will receive a spending credit of:

Equity Golf Member Executive Golf Member

$2,500 $1,500 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500

Young Professional Golf Member (ages 35-39) Young Professional Golf Member (ages 30-34) Young Professional Golf Member (ages 21-29)

Equity Sports Member


The “Fine Print!” A potential new Member receiving this exclusive invitation from a referring Member must follow the normal procedures of joining Royal Oaks Country Club; i.e., submitting all required admission documents and approval by the Club.


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