Experience Royal Oaks Country Club

“90 -Day Preview ” Membership Initiative

We Are Nearing A Full Membership Position – The Last Push! Our “Summer Preview ” Program has been an extraordinary success for Royal Oaks Country Club. We have welcomed over 40 quality new member families into the Club! Due to that success, and the fact that we are very close to a full Golf membership, the Board of Directors has chosen to extend the 90-Day Preview Initiative. The 90-Day Preview Membership Initiative will be extended until we achieve our goal of a full Golf membership. The Club will give a “14 -day Announcement” when the 90 -Day Preview Membership Initiative will conclude. We want to be fair to all individuals who are interested in becoming a member of Royal Oaks Country Club so we will make an official announcement of when we are within just a few memberships sales from full. Invite Your Friends & Enjoy A Spending Credit For Each New Member! We encourage all of our members to share their personalized invitation packet with individuals for whom they feel would be quality members of Royal Oaks Country Club. We would also like to extend our “thank you” to Members who successfully refer new Members into the Club during the “ 90-Day Preview ” Membership Initiative. As such, each referring Member will have the opportunity to enjoy a spending credit equal to the applicable credit for each new Member they have referred into membership. The credit will be given following payment of the Preferred Initiation Fee by the new member on or before the conclusion of their 90-day Preview Relationship Term. Spending Credits To Successful Referring Members (Credits will begin upon the payment of the initiation fee by the new Member)

If the new Member you refer pays their initiation fee on or before the conclusion of their 90-day Preview Relationship Term as a:

You will receive a spending credit of:

Equity Golf Member Executive Golf Member

$2,500 $1,500 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500

Young Professional Golf Member (ages 35-39) Young Professional Golf Member (ages 30-34) Young Professional Golf Member (ages 21-29)

Equity Sports Member



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