Experience Oak Hill Golf Club

CURRENT MEMBERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Full Memberships are entitled to all amenities the Club offers, including unlimited use of the golf course, driving range, clubhouse dining areas, and all social events. Full Golfing Memberships Family Membership includes significant other, children & grand-children ranging from ages 7 to18, as well as, children up to age 23 provided they are enrolled as a full-time student or are an active member of the armed services.

Full Golf (ages 40-64) Current Initiation Fee: $5,000 Preferred Initiation Fee: $3,000 Family Monthly Dues: $698 Single Monthly Dues: $533 Enjoy Credits of $80 for 18 Months! Full Young Executive (ages 30-39) Current Initiation Fee: $2,500 Preferred Initiation Fee: $1,200 Family Monthly Dues: $467 Single Monthly Dues: $356 Enjoy Credits of $50 for 18 Months! Surrounding Club Opportunity If you are currently a member of another qualified surrounding club, you can enjoy an additional 50% off our already reduced initiation fees. Contact the club for more information regarding our selected surrounding club program.

Full Junior (ages 19-29) Current Initiation Fee: $1,500 Preferred Initiation Fee: $900 Family Monthly Dues: $374 Single Monthly Dues: $285 Enjoy Credits of $40 for 18 Months! An individual golfer, 12-23 years of age, who is currently enrolled as a full time student or is an active member of the armed services. Student Members may play Monday through Friday after 1:00 pm and Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays after 3:00 pm. Student Membership Full Senior (ages 65 plus) Current Initiation Fee: $3,000 Preferred Initiation Fee: $1,600 Family Monthly Dues: $627 Single Monthly Dues: $480 Enjoy Credits of $60 for 18 Months!

Monthly Dues: $75

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