Preparing for Another 100 Years!

The risk of not doing the “aspirational” projects will have a significant impact on both our ability to retain current members AND attract/recruit new members moving forward. Providing a high-level private club experience for our members and guests is paramount to solidifying the future of our Club. Will the funding from this plan be enough to accomplish both the “ obligatory ” projects and those that are more “aspirational” in nature? The income that is taken in from the membership will fund the obligatory projects first and then move on to the aspirational projects in a prioritized form. We are confident that we can properly fund 100% of the obligatory projects and a large portion of the aspirational projects. The remaining portion of the aspirational projects will be funded through the acquisition of new members moving forward (initiation fee income and the applicable improvement/replacement fees) and voluntary donations. The priority would be both by price and benefits of completion. The benefits of completion would be based on both membership retention and membership recruitment. Some aspirational projects are more dynamic than others and would be prioritized based on price and need. How will I benefit from this plan? All members, regardless of how you utilize the club will enjoy the benefits of this plan. While our golf course is the centerpiece of our club, what makes our club special is the appeal of our dining, social and recreational amenities. We occupy a unique space in our community as a private club retreat that means so many things to so many different people. It isn’t just about golf, or just about dining, it is about our entire club and the many different ways we all enjoy various aspects of the club. Will new members be required/responsible to pay the improvement fees? Absolutely. They will be paying a higher initiation fee than our current members have paid, and they will also be paying the monthly capital fee like all of the current members. Again, their initiation fees and monthly capital fees will be segregated funds and used only for capital improvement projects. How does the club anticipate charging each of the members for this capital improvements? We are going to give the members the option of an upfront payment which will offer a slight discount or monthly payments over a five-year period.

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