A Better Shot at Life
LIFE SKILLS & MENTORSHIP MENTORSHIP We welcome the community in helping with our summer program. Many high school students volunteer each year to earn community service hours. We need volunteers to help with teaching, education, supervision on the golf course, and behind-the-scenes administration. EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS Anyone participating in our A Better Shot program is welcome to apply for a scholarship to enhance their learning past high school. SUMMER PROGRAMS PROGRAMS Each summer A Better Shot hosts an 8-week summer junior golf program on Tuesdays. Over 200 children are enrolled each summer from Englewood and surrounding communities to learn etiquette, education, and life skills through the power of golf. Each child is placed in a group based on their ability, and arrives to have a 45 minute education session (golf & life skills), play an appropriate number of holes, and join everyone for a nutritious lunch.
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